Saturday, January 7, 2006

Ostentatious Femininity Seems to Have Something to Do With Footwear

I don't know what's wrong with women my age. When I walk around campus, there is just this ultra, extreme, put-up femininity that I see. Women wearing rubber boots with colorful plaid prints, hip-hugging jeans (not that they have hips to hug) and a vest lined with brown-black fur. Or the women with pompons bouncing around their boots. The women who buy Ugg boots and wear them with oversized sweatpants and put makeup on, despite not showering. What is with women who do this? Why do these little symbols of femininity that some overpriced department store sells draw in women my age? What is it about patterned rubber boots that makes one feel stylish? I love fashion, but go for classic looks that you won't regret buying in three months! I bought the jewel-toned party shirts that every other girl was wearing last year, but I bought them because they were fun, cheap, and would look good for a party. I didn't buy them to be the height of fashion but to have something fun for partying. But on a day-to-day basis, what makes a woman put on short frilly skirts and boots and back-comb their hair and go to class looking like this? Do these women feel a need to be stylish at all times? Are they interested in attracting men and/or women? Is it competition between women?

Just as in high school, Jansport was the backpack to have, now we have women carrying bags marked with their sorority. They carry the weirdest shaped bags, and these bags are stylish on the justification that it is has their stamp on it? It seems any Brand justifies Fashion, not just clothing brands.